Clean Agenda Energy, Respecting Others.

Preservation of natural resources and environment by switching to alternative and renewable energy solutions is central to CAERO. Not only because we think it offers a great and sustainable investment opportunity, but because we believe it is necessary and a significant component to slow down and finally reverse devastating exploitation and address the growing energy demand in a responsible and sustainable fashion.


CAERO quest is inspired by the desire to create business opportunities and investment solutions driven by the persistent endeavor to merge alternative energy solutions with smart financing structures. Our mission is to merge these elements to reflect appropriate returns for investors, sound energy harvest for the off-takers, and eventually fairer prices for all sorts of customers.


CAERO is operating as an integrated renewable energy merchant banking, investment and development platform having its offices in London, Zug/Switzerland and Tokyo.


Currently we focus on developing suitable, economically viable, and environmentally responsible infrastructure and energy projects in OECD countries. In addition, we launched a program to embrace projects in a small selection of developing countries, as well.